Media Sources of Information

There are different types of media that became sources of information. Here are some of them:

  • Indigenous Knowledge- these are knowledge that is unique to a given culture or society.  It is only controlled, managed and owned by the indigenous people.
  • Library- is a collection of sources of information and similar resources, made accessible to a defined community for reference or borrowing.
  • Mass Media-  is a diversified collection of media technologies that reach a large audience via mass communication.
  • Internet- a global computer network providing a variety of information and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized communication protocols.

While there are different array of media, there are also its advantages and disadvantages. Here are some of them:

~In terms of advantages, almost all of them are:

  • flexible
  • efficient
  • captivating and eye-catching
  • receptivity
  • prestigious
  • reproduction quality wise

~In terms of disadvantages, almost all of them are:

  • high cost
  • distrust due to content
  • limited viewer attention
  • chaotic procedure
  • a lot of time needed
  • fragmentation
  • short life span


There are also criteria needed to measure the quality of information. We needed these to understand more its credibility and liability. Here are some of them:

  • Who is the author? You should about his credentials. What kind of work does he make. Do the specialize in publishing in different fields and how objective and reliable is his organization.
  • What can be said about the content, context, style and structure of the information? You should look about its implication and perspective use. Also look about the conclusions catered and how relevant is it to the content you are searching.
  • When was the information published? You should look for it because information are updated regularly and it is timely. It can also be know if the information are revised and copied from its original form.
  • Where else can be the information be found? Through it, you can see if the information is authentic and is it unique or just copied.
  • Lastly, Why was the information provided by the source published? You can see who is the intended audience and if it is sold already. Also you can know its opinion, perspective and assumption.


Analyzing Media Messages Activity



Usually, different advertisements are distributed in the different media platforms to promote their products. The companies ensure that they will catch the attention of the audience and buy their products. In this post, I will be analyzing the print ad for the newly released Nintendo Switch.

For the 1st segment, I will judge the advertisement through its audience and authorship.

  • Authorship- the message where made by the Nintendo Company.
  • Purpose- this was made to to catch the attention of the gamers and even normal people to try the hybrid version gaming of the Nintendo Switch from its portability and efficiency.
  • Economics- the Nintendo Company paid for this and distributed it through different websites and tv commercial.
  • Impact- it would benefit the Nintendo Company because it would raise their sales. and could possibly affect me because I would be encourage to buy the product because of the trend and its new approach to the gaming community.
  • Response- by seeing it the advertisement, it would made me buy the product.


For the 2nd segment, I would judge the advertisement through its message and meanings.

  • Content- the message implied to buy the product and test it out. It is usually the purpose of big companies in releasing these kinds of advertisement. The picture indicates the different styles on how you can play their product according to your style. It subtly indicates on how it can affect your gaming experience through its comfortable adaptation.
  • Techniques- the company used different commercials to see the range of experience their console can bring. But in this scenario, they indicate its portability through minimal design of poster in their product.
  • Interpretations- if the person is still not familiar to their product and they saw this advertisement, it would confuse them because the design is not explain thoroughly and it is new to the market. For my case, since I know the background of the product, I can surely relate and encourages me to buy the product more.


For the last segment, I would criticize the advertisement through its representations and reality.

  • Context- the advertisement were made since the release of their Nintendo Switch last March 3, 2017. It was promoted in different platforms through this poster and signage.
  • Credibility- the advertisement is credible because it is released through the official site of Nintendo Switch in Japan and conveyed in different sites.

Getting to know about Media Literacy and the different Logical Fallacies


  1. What is Media Literacy?
  • Media Literacy is the ability to read, analyze, evaluate and produce communication in a variety of media forms


  1. Why do we need to read media from a critical point of view?
  • Because media is influenced by different perspective of people. It allows information to flow based on their opinion, facts and statistics and it doesn’t care whether the information is correct or wrong. As a media literate, it help us think critically to judge the information based on its credibility.


  1. Why is media literacy very important to democracy?
  • It is important because people nowadays doesn’t care whether the information is correct or not and they easily believe it and share it through different platforms of media. Being a media literate helps a person to identify fake news and demolish their false sense of confidence.


  1. Why is critical thinking very important?
  • It helps you judge different things and also the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking.


5. 2 examples of each fallacies.

Ad Hominem – Flor is vulnerably attacking the Cora’s background on a debate

-attacking the person through its social status like “you haven’t experienced this yet because your too poor”

Strawman   – Rhea said that abortion should be legalized but Dan opposed it by saying  it just encourage people to be pregnant and kill the baby

-Leo said they should put more money into education but Sam opposed it by saying Leo just hated the country.

Loaded question – Carry asked if Theo stopped stealing things from other people whether Theo answered yes or no it would show that he still stole things.

– Maris asked Tina a question but whatever her answer it would still reflect on her.

Begging the question – Allah is real because Quran stated it and Quran is from Allah.

–  Mario can have lung cancer because of smoking, it means cigarette is deadly.

Black or white – Angela is alive, she is still breathing so it means that she’s not dead.

– Theo is a scientist, he is smart therefore he innovates and experiment.

Slippery slope – If I will lend you money and you wouldn’t pay me, then I shouldn’t be  lending you anything.

– If flooding would occur in low areas, then I shouldn’t live in low areas.

Burden of proof – Ming accuses Threla that she stole her ipad and Threla denied it. But   days before Threla bought a new laptop that she can’t afford.Therefore Ming accuses Threla that she stole her ipad.

– Jerome accused Nicole because she killed his dog but Nicole denied it. Hours before, Jerome saw Nicole full of blood stain in her apron.Therefore, Jerome constantly accused Nicole.

Composition / division – Hydrogen is explosive, Oxygen is also explosive. Therefore,    water is also explosive.

– Phoebe’s chair is made of wood. Wood is sturdy. Therefore, the chair is also sturdy.

Bandwagon – Momoland is popular so all people always listen to it.

– Faith bought Samsung S9 because it is trending nowadays.

Appeal to emotion – In a contest, Lea said that they were poor. Even though she isn’t the best and fail at different parts, she still won because she got the audience’s appeal.

– A Red Cross commercial that shows the aftermath of a hurricane  just before asking viewers to donate money.


6. Why is critical thinking very important to media literacy?

  • It helps you judge the credibility of an information shared in different media and helps you to identify what is right and wrong. It helps you demolish all the unreliable information and deals with the true nature of information.


7. Why is it important for students to develop their critical thinking skills?

  • Because it help students to capture the thesis statement or main point of an event or object and to know its essence more in the right way.



First of all, the movie was really interesting and will caught your attention when you really got immersed watching it. It’s interesting because it somehow reflects in the reality. It showed that we were really drawn in using media nowadays and our lives are almost centered into it right now. But here is the thing, it became an eye opener because it taught us that learning the truth is the right thing. We should not focus ourselves in the fictional world created by the media. What we should do is focus in our current reality. Accept the truth even if it hurts because it is the thing that will make us free. The sense of liberation is on the hands of the truth and not on what we wanted to. If I would just evaluate myself now, it would show that the result is I’m spending a lot on media than the reality. From that inference, I should take different steps in accepting reality and focus towards my surroundings more. If that would continue, I think it would be more satisfying than anything else. And lastly, it also taught me that I could break free in any situations or problems that I’m facing right now. It showed that if you are really willing to do anything, you could achieve success and be triumphant. It claims that no matter what happens and even obstacles came, you could still break free and achieve your dreams. Through it, I think that I could really recommend it to my friends because I want to share the emotions that I felt when I saw that movie. I also wanted them to find it inspiring especially right now that we are facing different problems from different aspects. I would want this movie to be something that would uplift anyone’s spirit and I wanted to be thankful to the author even though the concept disturbed me a little.


Media in our society nowadays contributes a significant factor to our daily lives. Even though it started long ago, due to our revolutionizing world, our media evolved and made it easier to reach. It helps us ease our lives, makes our work easier, gives us a lot of information, and keeps us updated on current events. As of 2016, almost billions of people are using it, and 70% came from the population of 18-24 years old. It resulted from social media users from different applications such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, and many more.

Filipinos are also no exception in this trend. Social Media widely affects millennials and generation Z. According to studies, it helps us convey information more accessible and helps us connect to our family and friends with just a snap. It can also be a source of advertisement in starting a business or promoting an event. Social Media is a wide array of assets one person can hold, making it robust.

In contrast, scientists discovered that Social Media affects people’s living patterns. Teenagers are the usual cause and tend to lead to depression. Social Media made other people sympathize with or comfort them for a while. It also made them addicted to games and posting, and they even forgot to connect in real life because they thought it was fine as long as they were connected in the virtual world. Another thing is the increase in cyberbullying. Due to the media, people can quickly bash others without thinking they can hurt them. Lastly, people can get their personal information stolen because of inputting it. They didn’t know that posting updates can always make thieves aware of their location and make some moves, or people can use their information against them.
Social Media is powerful and comes with great responsibility. People can use it quickly, but please be aware of it. Don’t let them affect your way of living. Social Media is just a virtual word, so don’t abandon your loved ones just for it. And always be safe in cyberspace.

Be safe in cyberspace


Due to the modernization of technology, different sites arises. Social medias and other sites require accounts. And the key in succesful creation of accounts is by entering your personal information. But by inputting it, your placing yourself in danger and allowing the admins or other people to use your information to their advantage. It will cause harm to yourself or explicilty use your content to them. Avoid this situations and be reminded. Don’t enter too much information and always check the liability of the website. Be aware and be safe in the cyberspace.


Photo credits:…/secure-laptop-background-design_1…/bannerredessociales.p……


Everyday, as our life goes forward, there are hundreds of things happen. Envisioning and savoring all the moments and spices of life. But at times, a word named “REALITY” is forgotten. A word that is bypass at times because we’re encapsulated of the moments. But reality is reality, accepting it is somehow hard but really worth it.

Take a deep breath for we shall accept 10 things in reality…


  1. Time is Gold– once it is wasted you cannot go back again. So treasure it and use it wisely. Time really goes fast so learn to budget it at the same time enjoy it.
  2. Once a word is said, you can’t take it easily– unlike actions, we can say sorry easily but the words are really fast and can destroy or create a relationship.
  3. A dream can’t be reached through magic– in reaching your goal or dream in life, you must persevere and be hardworking in life. Don’t let obstacles eat you alive.
  4. There is word entitled “hope”– in everything you do, even if you feel like it is the end of the world, don’t you ever give up because there is always hope in times of despair.
  5. Savor all the moments– like the time, only memories are leave behind during those happy or sad moments that happened. But always make it your strength because in every moments, there are lessons that we learned.

So take time to appreciate reality…..












Unusually Used Words in Filipino Reflection


Due to our modernizing world, there are a lot of changes involving the Filipino Language. Some words are not known to the people and some are forgotten and buried like a hidden treasure chest. But as we read upon some articles in the internet and in the books, we were amazed that there are words like that. Words that I never know of and words that have an equivalent translation in Filipino. Some words that we stumbled upon are “tarangkahan” which means gate, “karumlan” which means menstrual period,”alimuong” that means the smell release after the rain,”anluwage” that means a carpenter,”am” that means the water after boiling the rice,”dalubtalaan” that means astronomy,”karambola” that means collision, “talahanayan” that means category, “tipig” that means fold and “sipnayan” which means mathematics. For me, these words symbolizes that our language is that powerful and colorful in many ways. But due to many factors involved, was forgotten or not used at all.

In the end, only the Filipinos should encourage our language or it will be forgotten. So I suggest that you should read more about some unusual Filipino and you’ll be shocked like what happened to us. Once again, don’t forget that our language were one of the hardest that resulted to the attraction of the foreign people. And I think, we should patronize it more.

“He who does not love his own language is worst than an animal and smelly fish”   -Jose Rizal



The Pokemon Go Hype 2016

Last August 2016, an Android-IOS game was released named Pokemon Go. And after it was release, it become trending worldwide because  of all the pokemon fans all around the world. All people went crazy and super addicted to it. And seriously I was one of them. The game encloses catching pokemon all around the different places in the world and completing all of them. The hype lasted for 3 months but ended because it was really different compared to the original game. Its ranking fell from the top to the bottom. But until now, its still ongoing and developing well. A lot of Pokemon were release since the release. And the most exciting of all, legendaries were also available now. But still, I won’t become addicted to that game anymore. I’m still anticipating more than that. I know that the developers can still upgrade the game like the original console version. But as of now, its a “nah” for me.

My Experiences on Playing Video Games

Since I was 8 years old, I was already exposed in playing video games. Back then, I only have the classic family computer and the Nintendo DS. At that time, there are limited games to play on but still fun. And as time goes on, I craved for more games. I have tried psp games, computer games and more. But the reality struck me, I have already been addicted and spent a lot of time on it. There are times I can’t manage my time well like prevailing school works with video games. And that really cause a lot of negative effects.


My parents told me that video games only cause negative effects to me. It only consumes my time instead of studying to get my grades up. But when I think of it, there are benefits of playing video games. It enhances my problem solving skills because of strategic video games. It also boosts my social skills because of interacting with different players to strategize our teamwork. And lastly, it boosts my patience because of the slow progress of the game and waiting for the updates.

But again, too much for everything is really bad. Being addicted to it also have its consequences. So to avoid it, manage your time wisely and always focus in your priorities in life. Just use it for leisure time or family and friends bonding or to release your stress